
March 8, 2010

Isn’t it amazing we live in such a wonderful place.  While it’s freezing cold on the mainland and everyone is bundling up in layers and layers of clothing…we are still blessed with beautiful tropical weather.  On those days I get bummed out I have to put on a wetsuit top before surfing…I stop myself and remember that all I have to put on is a top and I’m still getting wet while most people aren’t even thinking of getting in the water.  I did have to privilege of snowboarding in Cali recently which I have to say is up there on the “fun-o-meter” but being in the water is no doubt the one thing that can pick me up in an instant.  Lucky we live Hawaii!

Baby Makapuu Blog

A Whales Tale

March 5, 2010

I have the wonderful privilege of photographing the Yoga Hawaii events and yoga students.  Currently they are holding a Teacher Training for 12 Japanese students.  They have two classes a day plus lecture, hands on adjustments, and much more.  They also get to have some fun!  We went Whale Watching out in Waikiki and ended up seeing three whales!  It started with a very cloudy sky, but once we got past the harbor and out by Diamond Head, it was actually very clear and for the most part a easy ride.  It was cold however…and I wore shorts and a tee shirt!  I feel so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful yoga studio…thanks guys!

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Batter UP

March 2, 2010

So I’ve been watching Cole for like 5 years now…yes he will be turning 6 this year!  It’s amazing how time flies by.  He was so little and could barely put a complete sentence together to this little kid who’s playing soccer and baseball!  He’s also been skiing in Whistler and they’re heading off to Costa Rica this year!  I know, he’s one lucky kid.  I went to watch his game and this is what I caught.  It’s super cute to watch 5 yr old run after the ball and try to make plays…so many kids, so much going on, but somehow they make it through 3 innings! 

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Lo’I Kalo

February 27, 2010

I’ve know the Wilhelm ‘Ohana for years now and they are constantly doing something interesting and off the map.  They’ve been working for a long time now on developing this piece of land.  Where once there was only brush and trees, now there is a lo`I and soon Kalo, among many other ideas they have going.  I feel so blessed to be a part of this amazing process and to have the opportunity to know such wonderful individuals.




Morning Yoga…

February 26, 2010

Meet Zach, my ashtanga yoga teacher…well one of them anyway.  He’s up and at the studio bright and early at 5am six days a week ready to help anyone who wants to progress their ashtanga practice.  He’ll work with you one on one and teach you the sequence part by part each day.  You’ll build your endurance and understanding of the postures and get an amazing workout. 

Zach’s amazing in his own practice and is super patient with anyone willing to learn.

Zach Yoga

Monday Afternoon…

February 25, 2010

While most people dread Monday’s I was very excited for this Monday to come.  I had the opportunity to hang out with this awesome ‘ohana at the beach.  4:30 in the afternoon on a Monday is a wonderful time to play because no one is there…for the most part. 

This little one was all about getting in the water and exploring the sand with his daddy.  His little bro was pretty excited to be out and about and enjoyed the sand and water…but wasn’t thrilled with us when we headed up to the grass!  Hopefully he’ll be a water baby from the start.

It was a fun afternoon and I can’t wait to do it again!

Leaving on a Jet Plane…

February 24, 2010

I completely adore parents who don’t mind their kids getting dirty, wet, or need those posed happy smiles in every photo.  These guys we just that and the little ones had a blast. 

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We got to the beach just as the sun was starting to go over the mountains and let the boys out to explore.  The oldest went right down to the water and upon my request that he show me something fun, started down the beach and into the water in search of something “interesting”.  We found a crab and some pipipi, rocks and a sea cucumber.  Slowly but surely they went deeper and deeper into the water and all inhibitions were gone!

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Up and down over the rocks, into the tide pools, and up trees these little guys went.  What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon, before they take off to the mainland. 


Their cousin joined in the fun as well…what better than all the kids playing together.

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Good Luck you guys and I know I’ll see you when you get back.


Mahalo Nui Kaui

Class of 2010

January 28, 2010

Have you ever driven around the island in the darkness of the morning to watch an amazing sunrise?  That was the wonderful start of my Sat. morning.  As I made my way around the island, I couldn’t tell if it was hazy or cloudy…would the sky open up an pour on me and my senior or would it turn out to be a beautiful morning…I definitely wasn’t sure in the dark.  Just as I made it to the beach park, the sky started to brighten up to a gorgeous pink and I knew it would be a great morning.

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The sun rose as a big round red ball and the sky cleared to a cloudless blue sky, Jenna and I started by the beach climbing on tables and jumping up and down.  We got warmed up and continued to explore the beach park skipping, running, twirling, and rolling around in the grass.  We ended our time with a climb in the trees!  I barely get over to the east side, but it’s a definite to do if you’ve never experienced a sunrise!


Thanks for being an awesome model for me, Jenna…congratulations and best of luck in your last semester in high school.  The world is your playground…enjoy.



My Second Home…

January 27, 2010

Yes, I was definitely back on a plane to Cali to visit my very awesome friends from Costa Rica.  I arrived on a Thursday evening and was greeted by my two wonderful girlfriends Shelley and Michelle.  We took a bike ride with the baby and the dog for some wonderful Mexican food.  Somehow we switched bikes on the way back and I ended up with the baby AND the hot soup…let’s just say I wasn’t sure which to focus on, the baby or the soup and the Mercedes wasn’t too happy with my lack of decision making skills!  We made it home just fine and Michelle and I took off for my snowboarding adventure.


We spent the next day ridding in Big Bear.  By run three I was good to go.  I’m so thankful for my amazing snowboarding instructor, Jeremy, and my secret service crew, Michelle and Taco who blocked anyone who remotely came close to me!  I had the mountain to myself and I LOVED IT…almost worth moving to the snow for a season.


I had a wonderful reunion with the women I spent 10 days in Costa Rica running wild with, everyone is doing great and it was so fun to see everyone again.  Finally, I got the opportunity to photograph Shelley’s whole family down in OC.  We met at the beach right about sunset and had a blast.  Mom and Dad – 5 kids all married – 7 kids and one on the way!  It was a great time at the beach…and ham and salad for dinner.  Thank you all for sharing a little part of my trip with me.


I spent the next few days with Michelle and Shelley in numerous classes and working out at the gym, and playing with Nate…he’s like a little brother to me and there is one more in the oven waiting to come out!  I can’t wait to meet him/her in a few months!


Until next time…maybe for my birthday in April


Sunrise Yoga…

January 26, 2010

Yoga has got to be the most wonderful thing in the world…well in my world at least!  I’ve done a bunch of different types of yoga: Bikram in like 2002 right when I moved back home from college, Bikram again in 2008 after weightlifting, biking, swimming, and running, and most recently after a yoga retreat in Costa Rica in 2009, I started doing a lot of Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar, and Ashtanga classes.  It’s REALLY not as easy as some may thing and each style has something completely different to offer.  Bikram = sweat; Iyengar = alignment; Vinyasa Flow = constant movement; Ashtanga = bad-ass-ness (is that even a word)!

Recently I had the opportunity to photography a few of my new teachers and the student of the month from one of my yoga studios…YogaHawaii in Kaimuki!


Through yoga I’ve become more conscious of my body and what it really is capable of doing.  By practicing and concentrating on my body while holding an awkward pose and trying the “breath” with a calm expression, I’ve become way more coordinated (proven in my snowboarding excursion) and a lot happier and calmer.  Learning to “breath” is a class in and of itself!  Again, amazing what happens when someone tells you when and how to breath.

All in all, if you sit at a desk or are confined to a small area throughout the day or you just want to get better at any activity you participate in (for all you surfers out there) or just want 90 minutes to focus on you without worrying about who wants what from you when, I suggest setting aside time to practice yoga.  You don’t have to go to a studio, a DVD is totally fine…but if you want to try a class and want someone to go with, I’d be down to take a class with any of you!


Until next time…you know where to find me
